The Source Entity on Suffering

This post is based upon a question, with a subsequent response by the Source Entity, by SC in Orlando

How much knowledge of suffering does the Source Entity need? And, where does reincarnation and Karma fit in?

SE: The Answer is none.  I require no entity to suffer in any way. Mankind creates his/her own suffering in two ways.

1) Mankind creates its own suffering intentionally, to allow a deeper and more accelerated method of evolution by experiencing existence in the physical in the harshest of ways, and….

2) Through karma accrued by infatuation with physical sensation, desires and distractions, all of which help to make you think that you are separate and isolated beings and stop you from realizing that YOU ARE GOD and NOT that part of you that thinks it IS individual though the separation cause by experiencing existence in the physical whilst being in the physical (our vehicles the human body).

Which brings me to “where reincarnation and karma fit in?”

Reincarnation is something that many beings undertake in order to experience difficult and different experiences in ways that are simply not possible in the normal energetic condition, but that accelerate their evolutionary condition. Mankind achieves evolutionary acceleration through experiencing no memory of the real energetic existence and through almost total loss of higher functionality. Having a vehicle capable of allowing a small part of your true selves to work in the lower frequencies (by being “in the meat”) is the ONLY way to experience the lowest frequencies. In this way you quite literally have to think for yourselves and do the best you can with the really rudimentary tools that you have.

Karma, is a reduction in personalized frequency resulting from that part of you that is projected into the physical becoming deluded into thinking it is a singular being in its own right. When you have karma you become anchored to the lower frequencies and have immense difficulty regaining our energy and moving back up the frequencies. Infatuation based karma is the association with the lower frequencies, it is not specifically through doing bad deeds, but is more insidiously accrued through succumbing to your desires, your appearance, your wealth, your belongings, your circle of friends, what you like to feel, hear, touch, eat drink etc. In this instance your true goal is to become self realized and to understand in an experiential way, that which you really are, understanding that the physical existence is but a dream in the greater reality. Achieving self realization is the only way to stop or negate the accumulation of karma, allowing you to work in the physical whilst being in the physical but NOT being part of the physical.

About guystevenneedler

Pioneer in Spiritual Physics Spiritual Author, Healer, Reader, Channeller
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5 Responses to The Source Entity on Suffering

  1. Melissa says:

    Along this same line though, what should our response be to the suffering of others? What about animals and nature suffering? Are they choosing suffering at the hands of man or other animals or the environment to evolve? Should we help to end suffering or not?

    • guystevenneedler says:

      We should take each instance of suffering as a case on its own and help in any way we can to remove the suffering. Removing suffering from an animal does not mean that we should seek to end the incarnate existance of the animal, moreover we should see how this gift of being of service can be used to benefit the animal in question. Any animal that is made to suffer at the hands of mankind is participating in a lesson for the incarnate human creating the suffering, and is seeking to accelerate its own evolution in the process. We will inherently know when an animals incarnate existance is best ended for its own sake when the pain it experiences in existance far outweighs the evolutionary content of being incarnate. All of this is called compassion. Guy

      • Melissa says:

        Thank you for your answer. I’ve struggled with this very question all of my life. It is difficult to separate the truth from what we’ve been led to perceive as correct. When faced with this kind of situation I want to proceed in what’s best for all involved. Would this be the same situation if it is a child that is suffering at the hands of relatives? Thank you for a grateful answer.


        • guystevenneedler says:

          There is a direct parallel between the need for compassion with an animal that is suffering and a child that is suffering, the only difference being that the child is a vehicle for a higher level of energetic being. When Children experience hardship at the hand of adults both the energetic entities that are the adult and the child have “signed up” to be actors in that particular part of the theatre of incarnate existence, so that they can be experience, learn and evolve as a consequence. This is a very bitter pill to swallow but it is never the less true. If in the higher level plan the child is destined for better things then another incarnate entity will interject and remove the child from that part of the “play”. If it is destined to experience hardship for all of its short life than that is what it has signed up for. If we can help the child we should do for that is “our” part in the play.

  2. guystevenneedler says:

    We should take each instance of suffering as a case on its own and help in any way we can to remove the suffering. Removing suffering from an animal does not mean that we should seek to end the incarnate existance of the animal, moreover we should see how this gift of being of service can be used to benefit the animal in question. Any animal that is made to suffer at the hands of mankind is participating in a lesson for the incarnate human creating the suffering, and is seeking to accelerate its own evolution in the process. We will inherently know when an animals incarnate existance is best ended for its own sake when the pain it experiences in existance far outweighs the evolutionary content of being incarnate. All of this is called compassion.

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