The Darker Side of the Light 17 of 20

This is the seventeenth of twenty blogs where one of my readers has asked for clarification from the Source about the darker issues we experience, or believe we experience, on Earth.

Q:  Before incarnating to Earth do people create a life plan with the dark forces to allow themselves to be possessed?

SE: Clearly there are certain times when you decide to place yourselves in positions that are challenging, just to see if you can correct the situation and evolve faster as a result. Exposing yourselves to the dark forces is one of those ways. However, possession is not one of those experiences that are planned because they involve astral entities, which are incapable of being involved in such planning.

Most incarnates are ignorant of the fact that they are linked in some way with an astral entity. If you are ignorant of the fact that you are possessed or controlled in some way by such an entity then there is no point to the experience because there is no way you can correct the situation on your own with your own knowledge.

Coercion though, is a different matter because the person being coerced is at least subconsciously aware that they are being manipulated in this way and are potentially capable of correcting the situation. Coercion can be planned into the life plan because it involves another incarnate.

About guystevenneedler

Pioneer in Spiritual Physics Spiritual Author, Healer, Reader, Channeller
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